Monday, August 29, 2011

Sorry no more toilet paper

I really am not a fan of wrapping gifts. It's fun to buy presents and go shopping for others but when it comes down to wrapping, I am usually a slacker. Since I don't really enjoy folding paper like origami to fit around a new gift that shouldn't be covered in the first place, I don't tend to buy wrapping paper much. So when I bought a birthday gift for one of my friends, I had a bit of an issue. The gift was actually a book called "What's Your Poo Telling You?" (I also have issues buying serious gifts for people).  It described what kind of poops you may possibly have in a lifetime and why you have them (i.e. your diet, drinking, stress, etc.) For instance, there was the D.A.D.S. which stands for day after drinking shit and many other funny names. Well anyway, I figured since I had no paper to wrap the gift in, I could use toilet paper and it would work just as well. It would cover the gift AND have a connection with the book. The below picture was the final product. Unfortunately, my friend didn't make the connection between the two and called me cheap for A. buying a book for him and B. using toilet paper to wrap it in.

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